I started keeping bees when I found some empty hives on a farm where I had moved into one of the old farm worker's cottages. My father had kept bees until he left home for his national service so it was always a story in the family. When I started, Varroa was still regularly treated with arachnicides, but they mites were quickly becoming resistant so more integrated approaches were needed.
Thanks to the Association I was able to learn from some very experienced beekeepers and move from the basics to trying out new approaches myself, some with more success than others. I've recently moved house (February 2021) and my new garden is too small for bees, so I was glad to be able to keep my bees at the apiary; and as I was going to be there anyway I thought I might as well help out as Apiary Manager.
I started beekeeping in 2010 after stumbling upon and buying a Thorne's starter kit on eBay. Since then I have passed my Basic Assessment and Honeybee Health Certificate and have also passed various BBKA Exam Modules. I’m the Beekeeping Tutor at Plumpton College and am always keen to improve my knowledge by attending interesting courses such as bee behaviour, candle making, queen rearing, botany and microscopy.
My first frame - 2010
As beekeepers I think we often need to be a jack-of-all trades and we are forever learning from others and from our own experience. Certainly I dabble in woodwork, meteorology, wax chandlery, chemistry, bee husbandry and teaching. I joined EGBKA as the Education Coordinator and aiding and abetting our members to improve their skills and passing some qualifications.
I live in Blackham and keep bees in a field at the bottom of my garden. I am passionate about the environment and the Great British countryside - my enthusiasm for beekeeping is closely rivalled by my love of gardening. My interest in beekeeping goes back to my childhood in Felbridge, when I became fascinated by the escapades of my neighbour who kept bees in some beautiful white WBC hives within his orchard.
Karen McCulloch
Ex-Treasurer 2014-2023
As a qualified accountant I am well suited to the role of Treasurer and keep
tight control over our finances. I have been keeping bees for over 10 years and
managed not to be deterred by the complete lack of honey in my first two years -
this was down to the unusually poor weather conditions rather than any fault of
the bees or my husbandry! I currently have 3 colonies in Hammerwood – one of
which was a swarm from a colony of wild bees (you can see them on the right, as
they make a much better subject for a photo than me!)
These are just a few of our current and past members, we always need people to get involved with the Committee and help the Association. If you can help in anyway (even if its just moral support) please contact the Secretary.
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